How To Be A Good Leader

October 20, 2014


Great leaders, just like great entrepreneurs, are made, not born.

Leadership is about people, and people are all you can lead. Any leader who says they lead based on the numbers of a business simply doesn’t understand what the term even stands for, and is probably not the best person to follow.

The one and only question a leader should be able to answer when questioning his own leadership is: “Why should anyone follow me?” Easier asked than answered, and yet there are plenty of incredible leaders out there leading people to better places, even when faced with unforeseen adversity.

Here are some things you should know if you are going to be a leader.

Resourcefulness And Self-Esteem

As we said earlier, you can only lead people, not things. Understanding that people are your only asset enables you to become very resourceful.

It also allows you to take a vested interest in looking out for each and every one of those you lead.

When you answer the question why should anyone follow you, you have to understand that people are drawn to others who share common sets of values and beliefs and therefore everyone will not be drawn to you – and that’s ok.

As much as great leaders hold themselves accountable, they must also realize that they cannot be responsible for every action those following them take.

Each person has the capacity to choose their destiny and how they leverage what they have. Your role is to ensure you guide them in the right direction.

Be Fair To Everyone, Including Yourself

Nice guys finish last, while fair leaders finish strong. The idea behind being fair allows you to keep the balance between friendship, family, and the goal at hand.


While you always want to be considerate of others and understanding of their needs, you must still exercise balance to ensure everyone you lead, including yourself, moves forward.

Everyone makes mistakes, and no matter how incredible of a leader you are, you are still allowed to make them.

The difference is how you to react to them and ensure they don’t occur again. Making the same mistake twice means you are incapable. Leadership is not given by an institution or business based on a title.

It is earned through those who you are leading.

Their earned respect and belief in you is what dictates if you are a leader or not.