A Pirate’s Skeleton Discovered Under A Playground

January 4, 2016


That must have been a fabulously fun day at school! Bone remains of a man were found under a primary school playground a few days ago during survey work.

The story of the skeleton only gets better and better as time passes.

Experts are claiming that the remains could belong to a 16th century pirate, who was allegedly executed for his piracy deeds before being buried in a shallow, unmarked grave.

The bones were uncovered by council workers during survey work (for an extension of the playground). The Victoria Primary School in Newhaven Edinburgh’s newest, “slightly old and boney” member was carbon dated to the 16th and 17th centuries.

The archeological experts teamed up with Hayley Fisher, a forensic artist, to create a facial reconstruction of the man. The unlucky pirate is thought to have been in his fifties at the time of his tragic death.

The school is actually Edinburgh’s oldest primary school, and it’s located near the Newhaven harbor, where a gibbet once stood on the docks 600 years ago. The pupils are overwhelmed with the fact that a pirate’s skeleton was found under their playground, according to the head teacher.