The Deflategate Drama: Tom Brady Waits On Appeal Decision

June 25, 2015


Tom Brady, famed New England Patriots’ quarterback, will have to wait for the decision of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell after his appeal hearing was held.

There is no word on just how much time will it take for Goodell to make the decision, but the chances are that the time will be a pretty stressful one for the famed football player.

Brady appealed and asked for a hearing after being given a four-game ban.

The ban came after an NFL investigation came to very troubling findings, concluding that the famous athlete indeed had knowledge of under-inflated footballs during their game with Indianapolis in the American Conference final. Whether the under-inflated footballs had anything to do with the Patriots‘ victory over Indianapolis, on the other hand, can’t really be proven in anyone’s advantage.

Commissioner Goodell listened to an 11-hour presentation from Brady’s team of lawyers, who asked him to reconsider the ban. The ban was imposed last month, and since it’s the beginning of the season, Brady is not too happy with it.