10 Workout Exercises You’re Doing Wrong


4. Biceps Curls

Every guy loves to work out the biceps, and on the surface it looks like a fairly simple exercise.

However, the biceps curl is one of the most commonly fouled up exercises in every man’s routine.

One of the most common mistakes that people make when they go to do the bicep curl is to lift too much weight at one time.

This is one of the easiest ways to make sure that you injure yourself.

When you lift too much weight, the body will compensate by pulling your elbows inward and transfer the stress of the exercise away from your biceps muscles and onto the muscles in the upper chest and front of the shoulder.

Since this exercise is not designed to work those muscles in this positioning only strains them, you can easily end up with muscle strain or even a tear.

In order to properly perform the curl, consider reducing the amount of weight and focusing on performing the move properly. The bicep curl is not a bench press.

The point of this exercise is not to show off how much you can lift one time. Instead, focus on the quality of your form and the precision of your movements as you perform this exercise in order to obtain the best results in the fastest amount of time while minimizing your risk of injury. Also, remember to pick a pivot point at which to keep your elbows as you curl the weight upwards.